Benjamin Arthur

Benjamin is the grandson of co-founder Laura Thomas. He is the inspiration behind the services The Sassy Carmen Foundation™ wants to provide for children and families undergoing cancer treatment.

While Laura’s grandson was going through treatment, her daughter was offered applications to multiple organizations that help families and children, who are critically ill. These resources were introduced not long after Benjamin’s cancer diagnosis, which seemed completely overwhelming to her at first. Once everything was in place and she was able to breathe, the magic began to happen. Benjamin was gifted a giant playground in his backyard, and toys were being delivered to the house.  Her daughter casually mentioned that she needed help with yard work and someone began showing up, week after week to assist her. Another donor even paid her rent one month as she was in the hospital with her son all month and wasn’t sure how she was going to pay rent. She received a call one day to schedule a weekend getaway in a respite house in the mountains. The list goes on, and it’s pretty incredible!

This is what made Sassy Carmen rethink how we would help these families in need, and what can we do that others aren’t. Doing some of the same things is fine, as one can never have enough support through a time like this, but we wanted to be able to help fill in the gaps! Click here for all of the resources the Sassy Carmen Foundation has to offer.

Below you can follow Benjamin through his cancer journey.

Benjamin’s Journey

Benjamin prepares for a CT scan to determine black eye and swelling cause.


Benjamin undergoes his first CT scan and is curious about what is going on around him. He is calm and content for this portion as he knows his mom is right beside him. Within an hour, his mom would get the news no parent wants to hear, and never expected what was yet to come. The bone/orbit around his eye had shattered due to an unknown cause. She broke down, cried, and pleaded with the doctors to tell her right then how this could happen.

A short time later she promised her little boy that he would never see her break down again, and she made it her mission to fill his life with joy, no matter the cost.

Benjamin pre surgery

Stay Strong

As the nurses rolled Benjamin down the halls and through various doors for a biopsy to determine more of what was happening, the little fellow laughed and enjoyed the ride!

Benjamin’s mom opted to move forward with the one surgery to have the port installed as well. Having the port installed at this point was a very hard decision because Benjamin had not even been diagnosed.

Both Mom and Gramma researched and asked hundreds of questions before agreeing with one surgery instead of possibly two.

First for the first

It was just a few days before Benjamin officially turned ONE year of age. He just finished up in the clinic and arrived home when his mom notices he wasn’t himself. He had a fever of 102.3, plenty high enough for a mad rush back to the clinic.

His 1st Birthday party had to be either delayed or canceled. What should they do? Mom had company coming into town, relatives, and friends to help celebrate his birthday. As it turned out, he caught an infection from the clinic which really threw us all for a loop. Lesson learned- always make certain everything is clean while undergoing chemo- even a rolled-in crib from the clinic.

Benjamin made it home after a blood transfusion to enjoy a slice of birthday cake! His very first taste of cake.

Benjamin with cake and icing all over his hands, face and high chair

Music for the Soul

During one of Benjamin’s lengthy stays at CHKD, a music man would visit daily. Sadly, each day his visit was during Benjamin’s nap time.

One day, his mom asks, “Can we change the time for I know Benjamin would LOVE to watch you sing and play your instruments?” “Sure!” was the reply.

Music has been something special to Benjamin since before he was even born. Benjamin was offered to help play the instruments alongside the music man. Benjamin’s heart sang along! His soul lit up with so much joy.

Scan for news

After every so many rounds of chemo, Benjamin undergoes scans. The scans measure the tumors among other things and verify how the chemo is working.

On scan days, early morning scans are best for the child, as they aren’t able to eat or drink beforehand. It’s difficult for a baby to understand why they can’t eat when they are hungry.

On this day, Benjamin received very good news. “Only 2 more rounds of chemo we believe.

If all goes as planned, he will remain on a pill for one year, scan quarterly and visit the clinic once a month moving forward. God is good!

ER Visit

After Benjamin’s last round of chemo, he required an ER visit due to a fever. Tests show that he is anemic is admitted to the hospital with a 72 hour minimum stay. In order to be discharged, his numbers need to trend upwards to be discharged.

During Benjamin’s visit, the Chaplin from the ER gifted him his new stuffie, and he enjoyed pretend play.

No More Chemo

He switched to maintenance medication that began the week following his birthday.

To celebrate the chapter behind him, Benjamin and his family took a weekend trip to the Outer Banks, where he spent some much-needed time with his aunt, uncle, and cousins from Ohio.

He woke up on his second birthday to the sweet smell and sounds of waves hitting the beach!

Maintenance Medication

Benjamin has been on maintenance medication for 4 months and is doing well. In the beginning, the medication caused dry skin and chapped lips. As he has gotten used to it, the dryness has slowed down. His appetite and mood seem to be affected now. Ben is given medication for 2 weeks, then he gets a break for 2 weeks.

With these maintenance meds, he has been able to be a kid again. He can now have more interactions with the outside world, and most importantly, other children.

At the end of September, he had a round of scans, which showed good results. The tumor is no longer active and barely visible. He has 7 more cycles of maintenance meds before going in for scans again in May 2024. 

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